Monday, January 2, 2017

Make 2017 a GOOD Year!

Happy New Year!! Everyone makes New Year's resolutions to help improve themselves and their lives, so this year why not make a resolution to help others. One of my resolutions this year was to try to do at least one good deed a day. A good deed doesn't have to be something extraordinary or life-changing, just something that is done for someone else. Whether it's one good deed a day or one good deed a month, I think that it's so important for everyone to be good and take a small part in making a positive impact on our world. So for anyone who would like to join me in making a resolution for the year 2017 to spread the good, here is a list of fifty-two good deeds to last you all year.
A Good Deed a Week:

Donate to charity.
2. Help a friend in need.
3. Volunteer for an hour at a local organization.
4. Save electricity by unplugging your devices when not in use.
5. Buy a gift for a family member - just because.
6. Allow a driver to merge into your lane.
7. Write a thank-you note to someone who won’t expect it.
8. Find an unneeded item in your house and donate it to a charity.
9. Plant a plant.
10. Tell a funny joke just to make someone laugh.
11. Teach an elderly person to use a computer to surf the Internet or write e-mails.
12. Organize a family meal and appreciate being together.
13. Collect stuffed animals and donate them to an organization that helps children.
14. Go outside, take a deep breath and take the time to appreciate nature.
15. Find a piece of winter clothing that you haven’t worn all season, and donate it to a charity.
16. Donate an old cell phone.
17. Be  more conscious of the environment.
18. Offer to cook or clean for someone who won't expect it.
19. Think of at least three things you should be thankful for in your life.
20. Sign up for a CPR course.
21. Pick up a few extra cans at the grocery and donate them to a food pantry.
22. Collect duffle bags, overnight bags, and suitcases you don't use and donate them to organizations that send them to children in foster care.
23. Take part in a bone marrow drive.
24. Pick up trash from the sidewalk.
25. Offer to read to or play games with someone living in a nursing or retirement home.
26. Donate blood.
27. Conserve energy. Turn off the lights if you’re the last person to leave a room.
28. Look for articles about people performing acts of kindness as a source of inspiration and motivation for you and your family.
29. Decide to make one change in yourself that will make you a better person.
30. Apologize for something you’ve done.
31. Take food to a new neighbor.
32. Take part in a literacy program, to help children or adults learn to read.
33. Donate school supplies to children from underprivileged homes.
34. Collect small soaps, shampoos, deodorants, and other small toiletries, and donate them to battered women’s shelters, rehab centers for teens, or other places that would benefit from them.
35. Donate your old eyeglasses to an organization that will reuse them.
36. Treat a friend to lunch.
37. Return a phone call you have been putting off.
38. Leave a heads up penny on the ground for someone to find.
39. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
40. Always answer the phone in a cheerful voice.
41. Recycle as many paper, bottles and plastic items possible.
42. Encourage your friends and family to bring in nonperishable items to be donated to a worthy cause.
43. Save water. Turn the tap off when you're brushing your teeth or scrubbing the dishes.
44. Take public transport instead of driving.
45. Adopt a shelter animal.
46. Make a double-batch of something freezable and give it to an older neighbor who doesn't cook for themselves as much anymore.
47. Switch your light bulbs to the energy-efficient variety.
48. Ask someone how their day is going.
49. Hold the door open for a stranger.
50. Praise someone's good work.
51. Teach one of you talents to a friend.
52. When you’re out buying food, purchase an extra item to donate to a homeless person.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the list maybe ill try some of these good deeds
