Thursday, January 12, 2017

It's Easy to Be Good

It is SO important for people to be good to others and help spread the good in the world. Day to day, we are exposed to endless negativity and evil, and I think that if you are able to complete just one small act of kindness a day you have the ability to change the world. Being good doesn't mean that you have to be the nicest, most kind and giving person in the world, but to me it means taking time in your life to think of someone else before yourself and act on it. To do something good doesn't have to mean doing some grand gesture or even taking part in an organized charity event. To contribute to the good in the world all it takes is something as small as picking up a piece of trash or holding a door open for someone. If you can do anything to brighten someone's day it could mean the world to them. Below is a list a few small things that you can do to help spread the good in the world, but these are only a few of the millions and billions of options because when it comes to being good the options are ENDLESS! 

1. Call someone you care about

Whether you've haven't talked them in three years or three hours, everyone loves getting a phone call from someone they love. It's always nice to know that somebody cares about you and is thinking of you. So whether it's a new friend, an old friend or a family member, all it takes is picking up the phone to make someone's day

2. Walk your dog for charity

So, your New Year’s resolution to walk every day is still holding strong (good job!), but you are also looking for a way to give back. When you download the Walk for a Dog mobile app you can track your mileage and choose your favorite animal charity. Donated funds are then divvied up according to how many walkers selected each charity.

3. Make a double batch of your favorite meal or baked good to give away

Everybody loves getting food. Even if you just give an extra snack to a friend at lunch you are helping are making an effort to share the good in the world! There are also plenty of options for food donations to local organizations that would help and be more than willing to accept food donations.

4. Offer to help with someone’s chores or errands

Chores and errands are never fun to do, so offer to help someone out with theirs to make it not only easier for them, but twice the fun.

5. Clean up after litterbugs

Trash belongs in trash cans. It's as simple as that, and you can help make this happen. Whenever you see trash sitting on the ground or left on an abandoned cafeteria table don't just ignore it. Take the time to keep our earth clean and through away the trash that is left by other.

6. Donate your old phones to help victims of domestic violence

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence accepts donations of phones and other electronic devices to help with their mission of supporting survivors. Donated materials are collected by Cellular Recycler and a portion of the funds from selling the refurbished electronics goes to NCADV. This deed also helps keep old phones out of landfills.

7. Donate blood

Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person - the gift of life. A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components — red cells, platelets and plasma — which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions.

8. Donate used clothes and toys

Donating items that you have and no longer need is always a great idea. This not only gives to the community and those in need, but it helps you declutter your house. It's also super easy to do! All you have to do is bring bags of the items to one of the drop off spots, whether it a bin in a supermarket parking lot or a Goodwill store.

9. Volunteer at a local organization

No matter where you live there are always plenty of opportunities to help a local organization out. The best part is that there really is a volunteer job for everyone. If you love animals, then help out at the local animal shelter and if you love helping senior citizens, then sign up for the local senior center. There are so many options for places to help, and all of them would be grateful to have one more person who is willing to put in time to better the lives of others.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I wrote about the simplicity of being good because I wanted to show people that you don't have to donate a thousand dollars or help build schools in a foreign country to help spread the good in the world. I want people to know that small everyday things that they do can help other people and be inspiring, therefore making the world a better place.
    2. This post wasn't difficult for me to write. It was a mix of research and knowledge off the top of my head to come up with nine quick ways to be good.
    3. I want the audience to be inspired to not only go out to perform a good deed but have the knowledge that they have the power to change the world by spreading good.
