Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Deed of the Day!

In the past, the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico has gotten "a bad rap." So in an effort to change the world's view on their city, the Youth Advisory Council of Albuquerque has created an app to prove that Albuquerque is full of good people.

It all started a few months ago with a text message to Mayor Richard Berry and a goal to document acts of kindness. The mayor received a challenge from Anaheim’s mayor all the way in California, saying “we want to challenge the kids in Albuquerque to a million acts of kindness.” Jordan Padilla of the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council said, “We agreed that this was a great idea because all of us want to see more kindness in our communities.”

Last October, the city launched the ABQ Kindness App. Another member of Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council, Joaquin Romero, says “I believe that Albuquerque is a kind place. I mean, we hear a lot about the violence and the bad statistics about Albuquerque, but I believe that there’s a lot of good here.”

Since the app has been launched, the good deeds such as “Miss Lisa made green chili stew for the school staff,” “I donated blood today,” “a nice lady paid for my drink at Starbucks, I was happily surprised and plan to do the same for someone else,” and a “neighbor took our garbage cans in from the street for us this week,” have been flooding in. The app has received about 20,000 acts of kindness, so far. The Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council, say they want to achieve the one million acts of kindness goal in 2017. “Performing acts of kindness brings out a sense of selflessness that a lot of people don’t realize that they have inside of them,” Padilla said.

You can check out the app and download it straight to your phone from the App Store.  

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