Wednesday, January 4, 2017

J.K. Rowling Off Billionaire List Due to Charity Donations

In 2004, bestselling author J.K. Rowling became the first author to make the Forbes billionaires list, thanks to the film and marketing empire based on her seven-book Harry Potter series. She remained on the list for seven years. In 2012, Forbes announced that Rowling had dropped off its billionaires list, citing two reasons: the estimated $160 million (16% of her fortune) she had given to charity, and the high tax rates in Britain. Rowling was not the first billionaire to be added to the Forbes ‘Billionaire Drop-offs’ list due to her charitable generosity. In regards to her commitment to charity, J.K. Rowling told the Telegraph that, “I think you have a moral responsibility, when you’ve been given far more than you need, to do wise things with it and give intelligently."
In addition to these generous donations, Rowling has also founded Lumos; a charity driven to help children in Eastern Europe who are disadvantaged and/or institutionalized.
This charity is where  Rowling's $160 million have been donated and put towards good causes that she holds in high esteem. J.K Rowling’s main beneficiaries of this charity are aimed towards organizations that helps single parent families in an attempt to "give them more opportunities to find employment, enter into education, and provide child care facilities so single mothers and fathers feel more empowered and in control of their lives." J.K Rowling can be seen as an inspiration to others who top the rich list year after year, and her story will hopefully encourage them to use their riches to help those in need.

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