Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Deed of the Day!

A couple years ago, Mineral Wells Elementary student Chase Anderson "was bored, and started writing a story, and all of a sudden, there was an elephant.” That elephant’s name was Stomper, and the story Chase wrote was printed as a book, and illustrated by Edison Middle School student Selena Martin. Anderson had set a goal of raising $12,000 for three different charities.

Now 10 years old and in fifth grade,  Anderson has earned $12,633 in proceeds for his books. “It feels really good that I’ve accomplished a really high goal,” he said. Anderson has raised more than his goal of $12,000 from sales of his book, and plans to divide the proceeds among the Alzheimer’s Association, the American Cancer Society and the Salvation Army.

He recently presented a check for $5,633 to the Alzheimer’s Association’s Mid-Ohio Valley chapter in Parkersburg in honor of his grandfather who suffered from the disease. Next week, he plans to present $4,000 to the American Cancer Society, which he selected after his neighbor died of cancer. This past fall, he gave $3,000 to the Salvation Army of Parkersburg because “they help the people who don’t have homes.” And people can still contribute to the cause as Anderson still has 80 books left to sell. Information about buying a copy can be found at the Stomper the Elephant Facebook page. 

1 comment:

  1. wow this makes me feel pretty awful because a young kid like that had already accomplished so much and im here just trying to make it through. heheh
