Thursday, January 12, 2017

“The world suffers a lot. Not because the violence of bad people. But because of the silence of the good people.”


Napoléon Bonaparte 

1 comment:

  1. 1. So this post is just a quote, but I really liked this quote because I think it says a lot in very few words. First of all, I think the fact that Napoleon is saying this makes it both ironic and eye-opening. I also think that it proves one of the main topics of my blog, which is that it takes people doing good for their to be good in the world. Napoleon is saying that the evil and bad in the world is there, not because of those who put it there, but because of all the good people who have not put effort into spreading good. In my blog I tried to create an inspiration for those good people to go out into the world and share the idea of being good and what it can mean for the world.
    2. This post wasn't difficult to write because it is a quote, but I did debate over whether or not I wanted to post it. This is because it was said by Napoleon, a man who didn't contribute to spreading good, and the fact that when I first read this quote I didn't think it had a positive message.
    3. I want the audience to see ideas in my blog from a new perspective with this post. Most of my posts talk about how life changing good deeds can be and how we should all participate in the doing of good deeds. But this quote brings up what happens if people don't do good. It shows that the silence of good people is what leads to the bad and violence in our world. So I hope this quote would inspire people to continue to be good to in turn silence the bad.
