Thursday, November 3, 2016

Deed of the Day!

This Halloween babies in the NICU at St. Luke's Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, got a special surprise.  

March of Dimes volunteers made the tiniest Halloween costumes and held a special party for the families.

 "The parents were able to choose their babies' costumes to match the babies' personalities," Michelle Manuel, the hospital’s director of media relations, told ABC News. "The idea is to be able to allow parents to have a sense of normalcy. In the NICU you might be there for weeks or months and this is to help spend that first Halloween and those special first moments together -- make those special family memories with us."The handmade costumes range from butterflies to superheroes because "these are our NICU super babies," said Manuel.

In addition to the Halloween costumes, the volunteers and nurses provided the families with a card with the newborns' tiny footprints, a hand-crocheted pumpkin filled with treats and a Halloween book that the parents and their babies can read together next year.



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