Thursday, September 15, 2016

Deed of the Day!

This past Sunday marked fifteen years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. Students of Binghamton University in New York honored this with the fourteenth annual Mitzvah Marathon. The Mitzvah Marathon, with "mitzvah" meaning "good deeds" is hosted by the Chabad Center for Jewish Students as a day where students preform selfless acts such as making sandwiches for the homeless, a blood drive, donating money to CHOW, a local toy drive and writing letters to sick children and soldiers. As well as these acts, some of the Jewish students of the university recited special prayers for peace for the victims of this attack. After the deeds had been preformed, a large display of cards filled out by the students was hung in memory of the victims.
Source Birminghanmtonhomepage. com

1 comment:

  1. This story made me smile, love to hear about people doing good things in the world!
